Jade can be used to bring currency into your life. Create an optimistic attitude towards money and visualize yourself using money imaginatively and productively while investment the stone in your power hand. When making a significant business decision, use the prosperous energies of jade by investment it while contemplate your course of action. Jade strengthen your mental faculty and assists in clear reasoning.
Jade is also a protective stone, guard against accidents and misfortune. Place a piece of jade between two purple candles and let the candles burn for a short while. Then take the jade with you as a defense amulet.
Healing ability: Jade is said to be of use in the treatment of asthma, heart harms, larynx, liver, thyroid, spleen, and also thymus. It's also thought to make stronger the body and increase longevity. Taken in a drink, it is supposed to strengthen the muscles, harden the bones, calm the mind, and cleanse the blood. It is believed to bring its wearer good luck, peace, harmony, tranquility, fertility, serenity, practicality, moderation, stability, and also perspective. Tougher than granite and more hard to carve than steel, Jade is one of the toughest minerals known to man, and was used by Mayans in Central America to make weapons, utensils and also good ornaments.
An ornamental stone, jade is a name which is applied to two different silicate minerals. Nephrite is a form of the amphibole actinolite (a mineral that also includes a form of asbestos). The second, the mineral jadeite, is the pyroxene. Nephrite has the formula Ca2 (Mg, Fe) 5Si8O22 (OH) 2. Jadeite has a formula NaAlSi2O6. The two are quite similar in appearance and normally it wasn't until 1863 that the two forms of this gemstone were distinguished.
Historical Facts of Jade
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